User Interfaces
For technology to be useful to human beings (or other creatures), it must be
ACCESSIBLE. The technology provides functionality, but only if it is clear to the
user how to control that functionality. While the term "user interface" is
relatively new (probably dating from 1968 when the "graphical user interface"
(now used by billions of electronic devices) was first demonstrated by SRI
scientist Doug Engelbart), the notion is much older. A simple light switch is
certainly a user interface between a person and a source of electricity and a
light bulb. Ditto a thermostat for controlling a home's temperature or a
controller for a lawn sprinkler.
Computer hardware and software technology have evolved in giant strides to enable
us to enjoy enormous convenience, productivity, and enjoyment. How enjoyable their
use is depends to a great extent how accessible and intuitive they are to use.
Unfortunately, advances in functionality have not been matched by advances in
usability. Part of this has occurred because the advances in capability have not
been matched by similar advances in designs that let mere mortals access that
capability. Designers have often run roughshod over common sense, thus
disenfranchising millions or billions of potential users (who have plenty of
intelligence to understand WELL-PRESENTED functionality).
We at TechnologyBloopers will be frequently calling attention to poor user
interfaces. In many cases the providers of the technology have spent too much
time on making it work, to the detriment of making the use of it simple enough
to actually let people use it comfortably. Not everyone will agree on the problems
or the solutions, but pointing them out clearly can lead to big improvements.